Returning home, though, Columbus was able to tell his patrons, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, that although he never did find India, he could confirm that the world was indeed round. 尽管没有找到印度,回程之后,哥伦布仍可以告诉他的赞助人Ferdinand国王和Isabella王后,他确认世界真的是圆的。
In 1492, under the rule of King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I, Jews, Gypsies, and Moors were expelled from Spain. 公元1492年,在国王费迪南二世和王后伊莎贝拉一世的统治下,犹太人、吉普赛人和摩尔人被逐出西班牙。
When Columbus finally reached Palos, the news of his discovery spread rapidly throughout Europe, and Ferdinand and Isabella instructed him to prepare for a second voyage. 哥伦布回到帕罗斯后,他发现新大陆的消息便传遍整个欧洲,而斐迪南德国王和伊莎贝拉王后下昭让他准备第二次出航。